Modernist Barcelona

Barcelona owes much of its captivating personality to Modernism, an architectural style that, in late 19th and early 20th centuries, had its own voice in this city and peppered its streets with numerous works -more than a hundred, 9 of which are world heritage sites- brimming with imagination, symbolism, natural motifs and sinuous shapes. Houses, palaces, parks, shops, street lamps... Antoni Gaudí was its great master.

Info & location
4 great casas (houses) not to be missed
Casa Milà

Its popular name -La Pedrera- means quarry in Catalan. The most striking feature is its roof topped by chimmney stacks that look like warriors covered with a helmet. A fantastic and futuristic space that reminds the characters of Star Wars. Passeig de Gràcia, 92.

Casa Batlló

Another of Gaudí's masterpieces. It is at number 43 of Passeig de Gràcia, in the so-called 'Manzana de la Discordia' (a pun meaning Apple  of discord), next to two other emblematic houses that compete in beauty. Its amazing roof resembles the skin of a reptile.

Casa Vicens

This building was Gaudí's first important project in Barcelona. It corresponds to a first stage this architect's style clearly influenced by the art of the Far and Middle East, as well as by the Hispanic-Muslim art (Nazarí and Mudejar). It is located in Carolinas 18-24.

Casa Amatller

Comissioned by the chocolate industrialist Antoni Amatller to the architect Josep Puig, it's adjacent to Casa Batlló and very close to Casa Lleó Morera, forming part of the so-called 'Manzana de la discordia', bone of contention, due to the rivalry between architects.