A ride on horse carriage

This is one of the most comfortable and special ways to visit Cordoba and, without a doubt, one of the most exciting for children. In addition, horse carriages can circulate around places in the historic center where cars are restricted. These elegant horse carriages follow the aesthetic that they had at the end of the 19th century, when they were the most common means of transport. Of course, much more comfortable today!

Info & location
City/Province Cordoba
Type of Activity:
  • Culture and arts
Stops Torrijos Str. (in front of the Mosque). Campo Santo de los Mártires St., s/n (next to Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs). Glorieta de la Cruz Roja (next to San Vicente de Paúl St.).
Duration You can choose between two routes, each one of about 40-50 minutes.
Price The rate is € 45 per ride. The carriages admit a maximum of 5 people.
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