Feel the flamenco's energy

Although many people think that flamenco is inseparable from Andalusia, Madrid is actually one of the best places to enjoy a good show. Here you can find some of the most legendary tablaos (flamenco stages), with high quality artists. Great 'cantaores' (singers) and 'bailaoras' (dancers) perform here.

Info & location
City/Province Madrid
Type of experience:
  • Culture and arts
  • Shows

In Madrid there are around twenty venues that offer flamenco shows. Most of them are in the downtown area, especially in the area known as Madrid de los Austrias (Hasburgs quarter), the oldest one.


Most flamenco venues offer two shows a day: one around 7:30 p.m. or 8:00 p.m., and another around 10:00 p.m. The shows last at least an hour, and up to an hour and a half.


From € 20 to € 48. The most famous establishments do not generally drop below € 40.

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