
The turquoise color and the famous singer Fairuz are two of the emblems of this restaurant that is one of the best in Madrid and perhaps the only one attached to the most authentic and traditional Lebanese cuisine. Fairuz's passionate team - completely Lebanese - wants to remain totally faithful to its origins and that is precisely one of its great values. Another, the quality ingredients. Warm and elegant decoration and pleasant atmosphere. Good choice.

Info & location
City/Province Madrid
Type of food:
  • Middle Eastern
  • Full halal food
  • Take away
  • Delivery
Address Orense, 70
Phone (+34) 913 487 894

Every day except in July and August, 13:00 - 16:30h / 20:00 - 24:00h.

July and August: Tuesday to Saturday 13:00 - 16:00h / 20:30 - 23:30h / Sunday, 13:00 - 16:00h.

Average price €€
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