Alcazar of the Christian Kings

From its Roman origins, the Alcazar has always been the center of power. The emirs and caliphs of Qurtuba, the Islamic Cordoba, built their Alcazar -a fortified palace- in the same area that today occupies the Christian Alcazar, although that was much larger. The current gardens preserve the essence of Al Andalus, the plants brought from the East: lemon trees, orange trees, myrtles, jasmine, alelis...

Info & location
City/Province Cordoba
Address Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires, s/n

Monday, closed. Tuesday to Friday: 08:30 - 20:15h. Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30h. Sunday and holidays: 08:30 - 14:30h.

Tickets Adults: € 4,50. Child 0-13 years old: Free.
Multimedia show at night "Noches Mágicas en el Alcázar". Adults: €6. Childs 0-13 years old: free
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