Old minarets

Of the more than 700 mosques that stood in the Islamic Cordoba, only the Great Mosque remains. A handful of minarets became part of churches or other Christian buildings. Among all of them, the only one that has been preserved, almost miraculously intact since the 10th century, is the minaret of San Juan's Church. It has resisted the test of time and circumstances.

Info & location
City/Province Cordoba
Alminar of Santa Clara's Cloister Address: Osio and Rey Heredia. It belonged to a mosque dated back to the 10th century.
Alminar of San Juan's Church Plaza de San Juan, 4. Among the oldest in Spain. It's currently being restored.
Alminar of San Lorenzo's Church Address: Plaza San Lorenzo, s/n. This minaret was part of Al Mugira Mosque.
Alminar of Santiago Apostol Church Address: Agustín Moreno, 26. This minaret belonged to Emir Hisam Mosque.
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